Volume 8, Issue 1 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 8, No 1, Winter-Spring 2014)                   IJOP 2014, 8(1): 13-22 | Back to browse issues page

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Jafari A, Mabhouti K, Heydari heydarabad M. Theoretical comparison analysis of long and short external cavity semiconductor laser. IJOP 2014; 8 (1) :13-22
URL: http://ijop.ir/article-1-171-en.html
Abstract:   (8431 Views)
In this paper, considering optical feedback as an optical injection, and taking in to account round-trip time role in the external cavity, a standard small signal analysis is applied on laser rate equations. By considering the relaxation oscillation (f2) and external cavity frequencies (f) ratio for semiconductor laser, field amplitude response gain, optical phase and carrier number for long external cavities (LEC) and short external cavities (SEC) are obtained. Laser output intensity and resonance peak dynamics have been shown by bifurcation diagrams. Furthermore, the effects of some control parameters, such as enhancement factor, pumping current and feedback strength, on response gain have been discussed in short and long external cavities. As a result, in optical injection, for SEC, compared to LEC, more varied dynamics are observed. Also, higher values of the response gain peak in SEC, in comparison with LEC, make SEC to be affected more by the injected beam. SEC provides greater bandwidth, and also better performance in the range of compared to LEC.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2014/06/2 | Revised: 2015/02/24 | Accepted: 2014/08/19 | Published: 2014/10/24

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