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Showing 2 results for Rotating Wave Approximation

Dr Mohsen Daeimohammad,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2021)

The aim of this study is to investigate an effective two-level atom coupled to a two-mode f-deformed cavity field with and without the rotating wave approximation. The first section discusses the theoretical model of the interaction between a two-mode cavity-field and an effective two-level atom within the framework of an f-DJCM without the rotating wave approximation. After that, we obtain the reduced density matrix of the atom with and without the rotating-wave approximation. Then, we have investigated the effect of the counter-term on temporal evolution of various non-classical properties of the atom, i.e., atomic population inversion, atomic dipole squeezing and atom-field entanglement. Particularly, we compare the numerical result for three different values of the deformation parameter q (q=1, q=1.1, q=1) with and without the rotating wave approximation.

Phd Student Neda Asili Firouzabadi , Dr Mohammad Kazem Tavassoly,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2021)

Recalling that the rotating wave approximation (RWA) is only valid in the weak coupling regimes, our purpose is to study the Hamiltonian dynamics of the interaction between various configurations of a three-level atom of Lambda, V, or Ladder-type distinctly with a two-mode radiation quantized field, while the RWA is not considered. Generally, this prevents one to achieve an analytical solution. Moreover, as we will show, using the perturbation theory analytical solution can be successfully obtained. According to our considerations, the contribution of counter rotating terms (CRTs) within the ordinary Hamiltonian is equivalent to arriving at some intermixed intensity-dependent atom-field coupling as functions of the two modes of the field, i.e., f(n_1, n_2). At last, via evaluating the time-dependent atom–field state vector, the effects of CRTs on a few nonclassical properties of the state of the system as atomic population inversion and photon statistics are numerically studied. It is observed that, the presence of CRTs in the Hamiltonian dynamics destroys the clear patterns of collapse-revival phenomena in the time behavior of the evaluated quantities.

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