Showing 2 results for Coherent States
Mehdi Miri, Sina Khorasani,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2010)
We generalized the squeeze and displacement operators of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator to the three-dimensional case and based on these operators we construct the corresponding coherent and squeezed states. We have also calculated the Wigner function for the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator and from the analysis of time evolution of this function, the quantum Liouville equation is also presented. Further properties of the quantum states including Mandel’s and quadrature squeezing parameters are discussed as well.
Rasoul Roknizadeh, Malek Bagheri Harouni,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (6-2013)
We consider the interaction of quantum light with an ideal semiconductor microcavity. We investigate photon statistics in different conditions and the presence of detuning and exciton-exciton interaction. We show that in the resonant interaction and absence of the exciton-exciton interaction, the state of the whole system can be considered as coherent state. According to our results, it turns out that photon statistics strongly depends on the initial state of the system. It is found that it is possible to generate squeezed light in the presence of the exciton-exciton interaction.