Showing 242 results for Type of Study: Research
Y. Hatefi, K. Anbaz, A. Moghimi, B. Maddah,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2010)
Europium doped transparent lead fluorophosphate glass ceramics successfully were prepared with heat treatment of precourse glasses at temperature above glass transition (Tg). X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiment evidenced the formation of PbF2 nanocrystals in glassy matrix. The emission spectra investigation indicate that considerable amount of Eu3+ ions were trapped in crystalline phase, and therefore the efficient frequency-conversion was observed in glass ceramics samples. The investigated glass ceramics systems are potentially applicable as up and down frequency-conversion photonics materials.
G. Singh, R.p. Yadav, V. Janyani,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2010)
The main emphasis in developing DOS has been on achieving low crosstalk (CT). CT in the order of -30 dB is acceptable in conventional DOS and below that value is hard to achieve. Relatively low drive voltage (or power requirements) is also necessary to optimized DOS. This paper depicts the design of Y-branched digital optical switches (DOS) with optimized on-chip area coverage, reduced driving voltage and cross talk. The proposed switch is designed using channel profile of proton exchanged lithium niobate substrate. The electro-optic effect of the material has been investigated from the DOS operation.
A. Asgari, S. Razi, F. Ghasemi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)
In this paper, we present calculations for different parameters of quantum dot infrared photodetectors. We considered a structure which includes quantum dots with large conduction-band-offset materials (GaN/AlGaN). Single band effective mass approximation has been applied in order to calculate the electronic structure. Throughout the modeling, we tried to consider the limiting factors which decline high temperature performance of these devices. Temperature dependent behavior of the responsivity and dark current were presented and discussed for different applied electric fields. Specific detectivity used as figure of merit, and its peak was calculated in different temperatures. This paper indicates the state of the art in the use of the novel III-N materials in infrared detectors, with their special properties such as spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations. It was found that, III- nitride Quantum dots have a good potential to depress the thermal effects in the dark current which yields the specific detectivity up to~ 2107 CmHz 1/ 2/W at room temperature.
H. Ghomi, M. Yousefi, Sh. Rostami, Y. Hayashi, E. Hotta,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)
A capillary plasma z-pinch as an alternative active medium of soft X-Ray lasers was studied experimentally and theoretically. The theoretical analysis was based on the self consistent solution of the so called “snow plow” model. The dynamics of pinched plasma is determined by the capillary parameters and by the time dependence of electrical current passing through it. The current time dependence is strongly influenced by the electrical circuit connected to the capillary. In order to optimize the pinch dynamics from the point of view of laser pumping, the effects of the electrical circuit parameters on plasma evolution are studied in this paper
M. Jalalkamali, M. Shojaei,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)
Photosynthesis is a process under which, the radiative energy is converted into the chemical one. Compared to the man-made devices, the photosynthesis apparatus is much more efficient. This high efficiency comes from its elaborate structure, very fast transition rates and a complex electron and proton transfer chain among the subunits of the apparatus. Its main subunits (Photosystem I (PSI), bf complex and photosystem II (PSII)) are connected through different mobile carriers. Among these, the cytochrome bf complex, connecting PSI and PSII, plays an essential role in the photosynthetic process. During recent years, the function and structure of this complex has been studied using different experimental methods. On the other hand, to explain its dynamic, the complex has been mathematically modeled. In this paper, based on a kinetic model, proposed earlier by one of the authors, an improved model has been introduced and the new experimental data has been analyzed. The model is a comprehensive one that considers the different components of the complex and also its relation with mobile charge carriers (plastocyanin and plastoquinones). Via comparison with experimental data, the rate of redox reactions has been determined by using the mathematical methods of parameter identification. Despite the large number of parameters, nonlinearity and coupling of governing equations, and indeterminacy of the initial values, the results of modeling conforms well to the experimental data. This may help to a better understanding of the bf complex structure and behavior, in particular, and of the photosynthesis apparatus as a whole.
M. Neghabi, A. Behjat, S.m.b. Ghorashi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)
ZnS/metal/ZnS (ZMZ) nanomultilayer films with Au, Ag and Cu as a metal layer have been deposited on a glass substrate by thermal evaporation and then, were annealed in air at different temperatures from 100 to 300 ºC for one hour. Several analytical tools such as X-ray diffraction, four point probe and spectrophotometer were used to study the changes in structural, electrical and optical properties of the samples. XRD patterns show that the crystallinity of structures and also grain size of particles increases with increasing the annealing temperature. Improved electrical property (a sheet resistance of 7 Ω/sq for ZnS/Au/ZnS) and considerable improvement in the transmittance curves (86% maximum transmittance for ZnS/Au/ZnS) of the samples after heat treatment at 200ºC was observed. Also, the optical constants of the ZMZ multilayer samples were calculated from transmittance and reflectance measurements. The figure of merit was applied on the ZMZ coatings and the most suitable films and annealing temperature for the application as transparent conductive electrodes were determined.
M. Fani, M. H. Naderi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)
In this paper, we study the coherent transport of single photon in a coupled resonator waveguide (CRW) where two threelevel Λ-type atomic ensembles are embedded in two separate cavities. We show that it is possible to control the photon transmission and reflection coefficients by using classical control fields. In particular, we find that the total photon transmission and reflection are achievable. In addition, the two atomic ensembles can act as controllable mirrors of a secondary cavity (super-cavity) which represents localized photon states and makes it possible to store and retrieve single photon in the region sandwiched between the two atomic ensembles.
Hosein Jashnsaz, Ezeddin Mohajerani, Nahid Hosain Nataj,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)
Fabricating an electrically switchable cylindrical Fresnel lens based on holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals (H-PDLC) using a Michelson interferometer is reported. Simplicity of the method and possibility of fabricating different focal length lenses in a single set up are among the advantages of the method. It is demonstrated that the Fresnel structured zone plate acts as a cylindrical lens and focuses light in one dimension. Its electro-optical switching properties are also studied and it is found that at an applied electric field of E=6 Vrms/μm across the sample, focusing property of the sample eliminates with a response of about 1 ms in a reversible manner.
A. Gaur, D. Sharma, P. Gaur, B.p. Malik, N. Singh,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)
The Photoexcited carrier lifetime (τ) and peak to valley transmission difference (ΔTp-v) in direct and indirect band gap crystals has been investigated by the use of single beam open and closed aperture z-scan technique using frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser. The peak to valley transmission difference (ΔTp-v) is found to be of the order of 10-2 in case of direct band gap crystals and of the order of 10-3 in case of indirect band gap crystals. The carrier life time (τ) is found to be in nanoseconds range in case of direct band gap crystals and picoseconds range in case of indirect band gap crystals. Lower value of (τ) and (ΔTp-v) in case of indirect band gap crystals can be attributed to the reduction in the value of carrier density (N) and small value of nonlinear phase shift ( Δϕ ),respectively.
G. Sreelekha, G. Vidya, K. Geetha, R. Joseph, S. Prathapan, P. Radhakrishnan, C.p.g. Vallabhan, V.p.n. Nampoori,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2011)
We report the observations of dual wavelength amplified spontaneous emission from the solutions of a conjugated polymer poly [2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1, 4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) in Tetrahydrofuran and 1, 2 Dichlorobenzene. We have prepared MEH-PPV using a modified procedure and purified several times in each step, the material offers low molecular weight, low polydispersity index and high thermal stability, which are some of the most important requirements for the fabrication of photo luminescent devices. The variation in the features of amplified spontaneous emission with increasing polymer concentration is presented. For intermediate polymer concentrations, narrow emissions were observed for the 0-0 and 0-1 vibronic peaks which were not reported in solutions to the best of our knowledge. The ASE characteristics sensitively depend on concentration as well as pump power. The gain studies show that MEH-PPV is a potential laser media. By varying the concentration of the solution and pump power we can use either of the two different wavelength bands for lasing applications.
F Karimi, S Khorasani,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2011)
Here, we investigate the possible optical anisotropy of vacuum due to gravitational field. In doing this, we provide sufficient evidence from direct coordinate integration of the null-geodesic equations obtained from the Lagrangian method, as well as ray-tracing equations obtained from the Plebanski’s equivalent medium theory. All calculations are done for the Schwarzschild geometry, which results in an anisotropic (pseudo-isotropic) optical equivalent medium when Cartesian coordinates are taken. We confirm that the results of ray-tracing in the equivalent medium and null geodesics are exactly the same, while they are in disagreement with the results of integration in the conventional isotropic equivalent medium of Schwarzschild geometry.Based on the principle invariance of physical due to coordinate transformation, there exists just one result. This Contradiction will be solved by tensor algebra and it will be shown that the conventional isotropic approach is wrong, and even by transforming the metric into isotropic form, the optical behavior of vacuum will remain anisotropic. Hence, we conclude that the true optical behavior of curved spacetime must be anisotropic, and it is an intrinsic property of vacuum in the presence of gravitational field. We provide further discussions on how to detect this possible anisotropy, and what further consequences might be expected in the interpretation of gravitational lensing data.
S. M Hamidi, M. M Tehranchi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2011)
We report an experimental study on optical and magneto-optical properties of Cesubstituted yttrium iron garnet thin films incorporating gold nanoparticles. Au nanoparticles were formed by heating Au thin film on cubic quartz and garnet substrate in vacuum chamber and a Ce:YIG layer was deposited on them by the aid of Pulsed laser deposition method. A large enhancement of the longitudinal Kerr effect was obtained in sample with Au nanoparticles on quartz substrate and the effect of substrate material on improving optical and magneto-optical response of samples were investigated.
A.k Gautam, V Mishra,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2011)
In this Article dispersion characteristic of conventional optical waveguide with helical winding at core – cladding interface has been obtained. The model dispersion characteristics of optical waveguide with helical winding at core-cladding interface have been obtained for five different pitch angles. This paper includes dispersion characteristics of optical waveguide with helical winding, and compression of dispersion characteristics of optical waveguide with helical winding at core-cladding interface for five different pitch angles. Boundary conditions have been used to obtain the dispersion characteristics and these conditions have been utilized to get the model Eigen values equation. From these Eigen value equations dispersion curve are obtained and plotted for modified optical waveguide for particular values of the pitch angle of the winding and the result has been compared.
M. Erfani Jazi, M. Dehghan Baghi, M. Hajimahmodzadeh, M. Soltanolkotabim,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2011)
In this paper, we report the experimental results of a pulsed flash lamped Nd:YAG laser at wavelength of 1064 nm and Qswitched by Cr4+:YAG solid state saturable absorber. We have obtained the output energy (E) and pulse-width ( p τ ) of this laser for various initial transmissions of this saturable absorber. Furthermore, the effect of reflectivity of the output coupler (R), diameter of the rod (d), and optical length of the cavity (l) on the laser output has been investigated. We have used the corner cube as a back mirror. We have obtained pulse-width 15ns with 31 mJ output energy. We have also analyzed this laser theoretically which agrees well with our corresponding experimental results.
H. Aminpour, A. Hojabri, M. Esmaeili, I. Mashaiekhy Asl2,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2011)
In this article, we present a specific shape of disk laser which is side-pumped by four non-symmetric hollow- ducts. The use of non-symmetric hollow duct based on two goals of the uniformity of the pump light distribution profile and the homogeneity of pump light profile through the disk. First of all we simulated the pump light distribution in the disk by using Monte-Carlo ray tracing method. Then, by using finite element analysis (FEA) method, we calculated the absorbed pump light distribution through the disk for 12%, 14% and 20% concentration of Yb+3 ions. Finally, the results of calculation have been presented.
K. Russel Raj, P. Murugakoothan,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2011)
Single crystals of nonlinear optical material bis (guanidinium) hydrogen phosphate monohydrate (G2HP) belonging to non centrosymmetric space group P 21c were successfully grown by the slow evaporation method. Optical transmittance and second harmonic generation of the grown crystals have been studied by UV-vis-NIR spectrum and Kurtz powder technique respectively. The transmittance of G2HP crystal has been used to calculate the refractive index (n), the extinction coefficient (k), reflectance (R) and both the real (εr) and imaginary (εi) components of the dielectric constant as a function of wavelength. The anisotropic mechanical behavior and dielectric response of G2HP has been analyzed.
A. Namdar, R. Talebzadeh, K. Jamshidi-Ghaleh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2011)
We perform a theoretical investigation on the Goos-Häenchen shift (the lateral shift) in one-dimensional photonic crystals (1DPCs) containing left-handed (LH) metamaterials. The effect was studied by use of a Gaussian beam. We show that the giant lateral displacement is due to the localization of the electromagnetic wave which can be both positive and negative depending on the incidence angle of Gaussian beam that can be excited the forward and backward surface states, respectively. Dependence of beam width on the incidence angle of beam and thickness of air layer for both backward and forward surface states are studied in this paper. We also find that the weak lossy in LH layers of 1DPCs may affect these shifts. These giant negative and positive lateral shifts are smaller than that of the lossless structure.
F. Rahman, J. Podder, M. Ichimura,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2011)
Thin films of indium doped zinc sulfide (ZnS) for different indium (In) concentrations (x=0.0 - 0.8) were deposited onto glass substrate by spray pyrolysis method at 523K temperature. Aqueous solution of zinc acetate, indium chloride and thiorea were used to deposit the In-Zn-S film. The deposited thin films were characterized by Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and by UVvisible spectroscopy. The XRD spectra of In-Zn- S revealed both the amorphous and polycrystalline property for different In concentration. The EDX showed a well stoichiometric result of different compositions of In in ZnS thin films. The granularity of irregular shape is observed in In doped ZnS thin films surface by scanning electron microscope. From the absorbance and transmittance data it is observed that the band gap energy is decreased from 3.75eV to 3.1eV with the increase of In concentration in ZnS.
M. Sahrai, H. Noshad, H. Tajalli, B. Arzhang,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2011)
The time evolution of the quantum entropy in a coherently driven threelevel quantum dot (QD) molecule is investigated. The entanglement of quantum dot molecule and its spontaneous emission field is coherently controlled by the gat voltage and the intensity of applied field. It is shown that the degree of entanglement between a three-level quantum dot molecule and its spontaneous emission fields can be decreased by increasing the tunneling parameter.
S.s. Mishra, Vinod Kumar Singh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2011)
A novel design of Dual-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber (DC-PCF) with silica-air microstructures is proposed in this paper. Nonlinearity and confinement loss of DC-PCF are evaluated by using a Full-Vectorial Finite Element Method (FV-FEM) successfully. By optimizing the geometry of three ring DC-PCFs, a high nonlinearity (52w-1km-1) and low confinement loss (0.001dB/km) can be achieved at 1.55μm wavelength when diameter to pitch ratio (d/Λ) is 0.70.