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Showing 5 results for Transmission

A. Gaur, D. Sharma, P. Gaur, B.p. Malik, N. Singh,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)

The Photoexcited carrier lifetime (τ) and peak to valley transmission difference (ΔTp-v) in direct and indirect band gap crystals has been investigated by the use of single beam open and closed aperture z-scan technique using frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser. The peak to valley transmission difference (ΔTp-v) is found to be of the order of 10-2 in case of direct band gap crystals and of the order of 10-3 in case of indirect band gap crystals. The carrier life time (τ) is found to be in nanoseconds range in case of direct band gap crystals and picoseconds range in case of indirect band gap crystals. Lower value of (τ) and (ΔTp-v) in case of indirect band gap crystals can be attributed to the reduction in the value of carrier density (N) and small value of nonlinear phase shift ( Δϕ ),respectively.
Hamid Pashaei Adl, Samad Roshan Entezar,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (10-2012)

In this paper, the optical properties of one dimensional fractal structures are investigated. We consider six typical fractal photonic structures: the symmetric dual cantor-like fractal structure, the asymmetric dual cantor-like fractal structure, the single cantor-like fractal structure, the symmetric dual golden-section fractal structure, the asymmetric dual golden-section fractal structure and the single golden-section fractal structure. By using the transfer matrix method the transmission spectra of these structures are simulated. The calculation results shows that the transmission spectrum of the symmetric dual cantor-like fractal structure is self-similar and the peak numbers in the transmission spectra of the SDGSFS also follow the principals of special fractal structures. It is also shown that in the symmetric dual golden-section fractal structure the localization of modes which appears within the stop band increases and getting closer to the middle of the gap by increasing the number of string.
Prof. Parviz Parvin, Zohreh Ghorannevis, Mohsen Mehrabi, Pooria Taghdiri, Zahra Mortazavi, Ali Reyhani,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (1-2015)

In this paper, the magnetic properties of carbon based material, graphene is studied, which is generated by laser ablation in cryogenic media. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and alternating gradient force magnetometer (AGFM) are applied to investigate the graphene morphology and magnetic properties, respectively. The graphene synthesized by the laser ablation method exhibits diamagnetic behavior. However the magnetic transition from diamagnetic to paramagnetic effect is lucidly observed by functionalizing the graphene sample with silver atoms.
Dr Saifollah Rasouli, Shamsedin Esmaeili, Dr Farhab Sobouti,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2016)

We have built a vertical seismometer that works based on the moiré technique. One grating is attached to the suspended mass and one to the frame of the instrument. The two gratings are in relative motion, and the resulting moiré pattern magnifies this motion. The intensity of a light beam passing through the moving moiré fringes changes with time, and a light detecting system converts this power fluctuation into a voltage signal. From this voltage signal the time series of ground motion is obtained. We investigated the performance of the instrument theoretically, as well as experimentally. Our instrument can measure the amplitude of oscillation through moiré magnification. It is free from EM environmental noise, has adjustable sensitivity and dynamic range, and has simple and straightforward design. Furthermore, we introduce a novel way of data acquisition from moving moiré patterns.

Sarah Bolandnazar, Samad Roshan Entezar,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (1-2023)

In this article, we provide a theoretical investigation into the reshaping of flat-top pulses in a one-dimensional, homogeneous, isotropic, finite-size photonic crystal with two defect layers. We use Fourier transform to find frequency and time spectra, and transfer matrix to determine transmission spectra to find the average duration and power of the output pulse. The pulses with a carrier frequency near the defect mode center and a wide frequency spectrum, undergo the most significant reshaping. Reshaping is strongest for narrow pulses with a carrier frequency at defect mode peaks. The maximum power and duration of the output pulse of a spectrally narrow pulse are all proportional to the pulse duration and exhibit extremes at the frequencies of the defect mode peaks. The power and average duration of a spectrally wide pulse's output pulse are not affected by the carrier frequency.

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