Showing 16 results for Sem
G. Aldea, H. Gutiérrez, J. M. Nunzi, G. C. Chitanu, M. Sylla, B. C. Simionescu,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2007)
Layer-by-layer (LBL) electrostatic assembly of poly-electrolytes is proving to be an increasingly rich and versatile technique for the formation of multilayered thin films with a wide range of electrical, magnetic, and optical properties. In the present work we synthesized a new nonlinear optical (NLO) maleic acid copolymer containing Disperse Red 1 moieties, built-up multilayer assemblies by alternate adsorption of poly (allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and maleic copolymer derivative, and carried out an investigation on their second harmonic generation (SHG) properties. The resulting multilayer assemblies exhibit SHG which arises from the non-centrosymmetric alignment of the chromophore in the copolymer. The SHG signal increases with the number of chromophore-containing polymer layers, up to 5 layers. Further assembly reduces the signal
G. Tissoni, I. Protsenkob, R. Kheradmand, F. Prati, M. Brambilla, A. Lugiato,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2007)
CSs have been theoretically predicted and recently experimentally demonstrated in broad area, vertical cavity driven semiconductor lasers (VCSELs) slightly below the lasing threshold. Above threshold, the simple adiabatic elimination of the polarization variable is not correct, leading to oscillatory instabilities with a spuriously high critical wave-number. To achieve real insight on the complete dynamical problem, we study here the complete system of equations and find regimes where a Hopf instability, typical of lasers above threshold, affects the lower intensity branch of the homogeneous steady state, while the higher intensity branch is unstable due to a Turing instability. Numerical results obtained by direct integration of the dynamical equations show that writable/erasable CSs are possible in this regime, sitting on unstable background
E. Karimzadeh Esfahani, M. Bagheri Harouni, R. Roknizadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2009)
In this paper we consider electromagnetic field quantization in the presence of a dispersive and absorbing semiconductor quantum dot. By using macroscopic approach and Green's function method, quantization of electromagnetic field is investigated. Interaction of a two-level atom , which is doped in a semiconductor quantum dot, with the quantized field is considered and its spontaneous emission rate is calculated. Comparing with the same condition for an excited atom inside the bulk, it is shown that the spontaneous emission rate of an atom will decrease.
H. Shahroosvand, E. Mohajerani, N. Safari, S. Osati, I. A. Alidokht,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2009)
Electronic absorption, florescence excitation and AFM studies of selected homogeneous solutions and thin films of mesotetrakis (parahydroxyphenyl) porphyrin (THPP) (1), mesotetrakis (2, 3- dihydroxyphenyl) porphyrin 2, 3-OHPP) (2), mesotetrakis (3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl) porphyrin (3, 4-OHPP) (3) as well as Zn(II) derivative of 2, 3-OHPP (4) under UV lamp and green laser irradiation (532 nm) are acquired and analyzed.Our results indicate that in irradiation experiments, the products of the resulting porphyrins strongly depend on the careful choice of the light source. UV lamp irradiation produced J-type aggregated diacid porphyrins from free base porphyrins by simple photochemical technique. The stabilization of the aggregates structure may be achieved through hydrogen bonding between the protonated core and the peripheral hydroxyl groups, mediated by the chloride anions. The results of laser irradiation experiments shown the formation of J-aggregated porphyrin upon green laser (532 nm) irradiation.Green laser irradiation has been caused the hydrogen bonding interactions between neighboring porphyrin molecules through hydroxyl moieties to produce J-aggregated supramolecular porphyrins. The AFM topographic images and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) of THPP(1) under green laser irradiation have been indicated nano-structured porphyrin wires about 5 nm high approximately.
M. Fani, M. H. Naderi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2010)
In this paper, we study the coherent transport of single photon in a coupled resonator waveguide (CRW) where two threelevel Λ-type atomic ensembles are embedded in two separate cavities. We show that it is possible to control the photon transmission and reflection coefficients by using classical control fields. In particular, we find that the total photon transmission and reflection are achievable. In addition, the two atomic ensembles can act as controllable mirrors of a secondary cavity (super-cavity) which represents localized photon states and makes it possible to store and retrieve single photon in the region sandwiched between the two atomic ensembles.
F. Rahman, J. Podder, M. Ichimura,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2011)
Thin films of indium doped zinc sulfide (ZnS) for different indium (In) concentrations (x=0.0 - 0.8) were deposited onto glass substrate by spray pyrolysis method at 523K temperature. Aqueous solution of zinc acetate, indium chloride and thiorea were used to deposit the In-Zn-S film. The deposited thin films were characterized by Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and by UVvisible spectroscopy. The XRD spectra of In-Zn- S revealed both the amorphous and polycrystalline property for different In concentration. The EDX showed a well stoichiometric result of different compositions of In in ZnS thin films. The granularity of irregular shape is observed in In doped ZnS thin films surface by scanning electron microscope. From the absorbance and transmittance data it is observed that the band gap energy is decreased from 3.75eV to 3.1eV with the increase of In concentration in ZnS.
Prof. Rasoul Malekfar, Mr. Akbar Cheraghi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2014)
Nanocrystallite α-cordierite glass-ceramics are synthesized using a modified Pechini method. The structural and lattice modes of the products are investigated via XRD and Micro Raman back-scattering spectroscopy. The Debye-Scherrer formula is used to confirm the grain sizes estimated by the SEM slides. Dielectric coefficients calculation and DTA analysis are used to study the synthesized nanocrystallites properties.
Akbar Jafari, Khosro Mabhouti, Maryam Heydari Heydarabad,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2014)
In this paper, considering optical feedback as an optical injection, and taking in to account round-trip time role in the external cavity, a standard small signal analysis is applied on laser rate equations. By considering the relaxation oscillation (f2) and external cavity frequencies (f) ratio for semiconductor laser, field amplitude response gain, optical phase and carrier number for long external cavities (LEC) and short external cavities (SEC) are obtained. Laser output intensity and resonance peak dynamics have been shown by bifurcation diagrams. Furthermore, the effects of some control parameters, such as enhancement factor, pumping current and feedback strength, on response gain have been discussed in short and long external cavities. As a result, in optical injection, for SEC, compared to LEC, more varied dynamics are observed. Also, higher values of the response gain peak in SEC, in comparison with LEC, make SEC to be affected more by the injected beam. SEC provides greater bandwidth, and also better performance in the range of compared to LEC.
Mr. Millan Sahoo, Dr. Gopinath Palai,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (11-2015)
This paper investigates the amount of doping concentration in silicon semiconductor using optical principle. Both donor and acceptor impurities of n type and p-type silicon semiconductor materials are computed at wavelength of 1550 nm. During the computation of donor and acceptor impurities, both reflection and absorption losses are considered. Theoretical result showed that transmitted intensity through both n-type and p-type silicon structure increases with respect to doping concentration (1015 cm-3 to 1021 cm-3). It is also seen that transmitted intensity increases slowly up to 1020 cm-3 and then increases rapidly with the increase of doping concentration. Finally an experimental set up is proposed to estimate the doping concentration in silicon semiconductor.
Siamak Khademi, Samira Alipour,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (1-2017)
The semi-classical model of atom-field interaction has been fully studied for some multilevel atoms, e.g. Vee, L, Cascade X , Y, and inverted Y and so on. This issue is developed into the full-quantum electrodynamics formalism, where the probe and coupling electromagnetic fields are quantized. In this article, we investigate the full-quantum model of absorption and dispersion spectrum of trapped four-levels inverted Y type atoms, interacting with a probe beam of photons as well as two-mode trapped coupling photons. It is shown that the measurement of the maximum of absorption of the probe field and its detuning gives us simply the number of two-mode coupling photons, individually. An experimental setup for this non-demolition photon counting method is proposed and the numbers of coupling photons are obtained analytically.
Hamid Motahari, Rasoul Malekfar,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2019)
Laser micro-Raman spectroscopy is an ideal tool for assessment and characterization of various types of carbon-based materials. Due to its special optical properties (CrN) coated stainless steel substrates. NCD films have been investigated by laser micro-Raman spectroscopy. The fingerprint of diamond based materials is in the spectral region of 1000-1600 cm-1 in the first order of Raman scattering spectrum. By using of Gaussian peak fitting, characteristic peaks in the micro-Raman spectrum of NCD films including diamond peak (D), NCD features, a vibrational density of states (VDOS) in the ultra-nanocrystalline diamond (UNCD) clusters, graphitic (G) band and disordered (D) band can be assigned. These peaks and bands can be broadened, shifted in the spectral region or may be eliminated from the spectra due to NCD films grain sizes, synthesis conditions and other surface effects on the crystals. The increasing grain sizes to about 100 nm and faceted grains as the most important parameters can promote the diamond Raman signal, eliminate the VDOS, UNCD and even NCD features in the Raman spectrum.
Bahareh Morovvati , Rasoul Malekfar,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2019)
The active substrates in surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy were prepared through self-assembly of nanoparticles on functionalized glasses. Colloidal silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were prepared chemically in two different sizes by reduction of AgNO3 using trisodium citrate and sodium borohydride. Gold–silver core–shell nanoparticles were also prepared to compare between the optical behaviors of their silver shell and Ag NPs. Absorption spectra of nanoparticles were measured by ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis.) spectroscopy, and their approximate sizes were determined by dynamic light scattering (DLS). The core–shell nanoparticles were approximately the same size as the largest Ag NPs (35 nm) and had the same maximum absorption wavelength. The potential of these substrates for detection applications was investigated with 1 M and 0.1 mM solutions of Raman-active molecule of crystal violet (CV) dye. The Raman enhancement signal was recorded for 0.1 mM solution with 532 nm laser wavelength, and the obtained spectra enhancement factor (EF) was calculated. EF values indicated that although the silver and gold–silver core–shell nanoparticles had the same surface plasmon resonance, the substrate with smaller Ag NPs had the highest enhancement factor compared to other substrates, which was 9.5´103, and the core–shell substrate even had a slightly lower enhancement factor in compare with the large Ag NPs.
Sajjad Moshfe, Mohammad Kazem Moravvej-Farshi, Kambiz Abedi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2020)
We present the procedure for designing a high speed and low power all-optical analog to digital converter (AO-ADC), by integrating InGaAsP semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) with InP based photonic crystal (PhC) drop filters. The self-phase modulation in the SOA can shift the frequency of the Gaussian input pulse. The two output PhC based drop filters are designed to appropriately code the frequency-shifted analog signals by the SOA, converting them to four desired digital output levels. Our numerical results show that in an appropriately designed AO-ADC, the center wavelength (1572 nm) of an amplitude modulated Gaussian pulse of 1.8 ps width and 1.56 pJ energy can be shifted by 6.7 nm, by the SOA, and then be quantized and coded to four digital levels (00, 01, 10, and 11). The two point-defect PhC drop filters, compensating the effect of the frequency shift by SOA, minimize the AO-ADC integral and differential nonlinearity errors.
Miss Nasrin Sepahvand, Mr Mohsen Bahrami,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2021)
In this work, the effect of changing the dimensions of the layer structure on the collection of electrical charge carriers which been produced in the thin film composed of P3HT[1] and PCBM[2] that is between two electrodes, using the Monte Carlo numerical simulation with Bortez, Callus and Lebowitz algorithms, with checkered structure and different dimensions 60×15×5 sites, 60×30×5 sites, have been the conditions of the layers. At first, the average number of electrons and holes produced on the cathode and anode electrodes in two stages (simultaneous injection of excitons, without and with the presence of deep traps) was calculated and it was concluded that, by increasing layer width, the average number of electrical charge carriers collected on the electrodes has decreased, which has a direct impact on production of layer circuits and solar cell performance. Finally, the amount of external quantum efficiency of the layers was also calculated. In 60×15×5 sites layer, in two stages – without and with the presence of traps – the average value of external quantum efficiency 52.3% and 42.43% was obtained and in 60×30×5 sites layer, the value of 42.43% and 37.9% was calculated.
[1] Poly(3-hexylthiophene)
[2] Phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester
Dr. Samad Roshan Entezar,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2021)
We theoretically analyze the sensing properties of a one-dimensional photonic crystal-based biosensor for detecting cancer cells infiltrated in a defect cavity layer. The biosensor consists of a sample cavity layer sandwiched between two identical photonic crystals of Hgba2Ca2Cu3O8+d and GaAs. We use the transfer matrix method to evaluate the performance of the biosensor. We show that a defect mode appears in the transmission spectrum of the biosensor that its position depends on the type of cancer cells in the cavity layer. The analysis is carried out by comparing the transmittance peaks of the cancer cells with the normal cells. We investigate the performance of the biosensor under different hydrostatic pressures and temperatures. We show that one can use temperature change to fine-tune the frequency of the defect modes. In addition, we can adjust the working area of the biosensor by changing the hydrostatic pressure. It is shown that the sensitivity of the biosensor is independent of the temperature, while it strongly depends on the hydrostatic pressure.
Erfan Abbaszadeh Jabal Kandi, Khosro Mabhouti, Rahim Naderali, Neda Samadzadeh,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (1-2023)
In this article, the conditions of pulse production in two mutually coupled lasers are studied. Based on the obtained characteristic equation and its roots, the dynamical behavior of the system and the threshold of the instability are analyzed. For the stable operation of the system and with the use of the time series curves, it is possible to study the dynamical behavior and the stability ranges of the laser in the presence of the saturable absorber and the gain environment. This paper aims to achieve from quasi-periodic behavior in a solitary laser to the generation of a pulse train from two mutually coupled lasers in the presence of saturable absorbers. Also, the stability range for a solitary laser and then for two coupled lasers in the presence of saturable absorbers have been studied.