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Showing 11 results for Jafari

R. Nader-Ali, A. Jafari-Dolama, M. Amniat-Talab,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter-Spring 2010)

We proposed and analyzed implementation of the single-qutrit quantum gates based on stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) between magnetic sublevels in atoms coupled by pulsed laser fields. This technique requires only the control of the relative phase of the driving fields but do not involve any dynamical or geometrical phases, which make it independent of the other interaction details: detuning and pulse shapes, areas and durations. The suggested techniques are immune to spontaneous emission since the qubit and qutrit manipulation proceeds through non-absorbing dark states. In this paper, taking proper timing of the Rabi frequencies allows us to transfer the population of the system to a desired superposition of the ground states with the highest fidelity. We also obtained and implemented single-qutrit unitary gates, for transferring of the population of the system with different initial and final states.
Maral Ghoshani, Abbas Behjat, Fatemeh Jafari, Naimeh Torabi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 7, No 1, Winter-Spring 2013)

In this research, the lifetime of green organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) is studied using four passivation layers. To encapsulate the OLEDs, MgF2, YF3, composed of alternating MgF2/ZnS and YF3/ZnS layers were grown by thermal vacuum deposition. Measurements show that the device lifetime is significantly improved by using YF3 and ZnS as passivation layers. However, diodes encapsulated by MgF2/ZnS and YF3/ZnS nano-structures show a highly efficient gas diffusion barrier that results in a longer lifetime of the devices. The half lifetime of the green OLEDs reached 1200 minutes using YF3/ZnS layers. The electroluminescence (EL) and current-voltage characteristics of the devices were also examined to compare the electrical and the emissivity properties of the devices before and after encapsulation. This simple and inexpensive thin-film encapsulation method would be potentially employed to capsulate top emitting OLEDs and flexible OLEDs due to their good performance and easy fabrication.

Akbar Jafari, Khosro Mabhouti, Maryam Heydari Heydarabad,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 8, No 1, Winter-Spring 2014)

In this paper, considering optical feedback as an optical injection, and taking in to account round-trip time role in the external cavity, a standard small signal analysis is applied on laser rate equations. By considering the relaxation oscillation (f2) and external cavity frequencies (f) ratio for semiconductor laser, field amplitude response gain, optical phase and carrier number for long external cavities (LEC) and short external cavities (SEC) are obtained. Laser output intensity and resonance peak dynamics have been shown by bifurcation diagrams. Furthermore, the effects of some control parameters, such as enhancement factor, pumping current and feedback strength, on response gain have been discussed in short and long external cavities. As a result, in optical injection, for SEC, compared to LEC, more varied dynamics are observed. Also, higher values of the response gain peak in SEC, in comparison with LEC, make SEC to be affected more by the injected beam. SEC provides greater bandwidth, and also better performance in the range of compared to LEC.
M. Sc. Jalil Jafari, Dr. Rahman Nouroozi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 11, No 1, Winter-Spring 2017 2017)

For a fiber optical surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor a short part of its cladding should be removed to coat a thin layer of a metal. Usually this is problematic when an optical fiber with small core diameter is used. In this paper, a new method using µliter droplet of the HF acid for short fiber optical taper fabrication is reported. Using this method in a multi-mode optical fiber with the core/cladding size of 50/125 µm a 2 mm long taper with 40 µm diameter is fabricated. Roughness of its surface is investigated using an atomic force microscopy. The measured mean value of the roughness is about 8 nm. A 60 nm thin layer of pure silver is coated on the taper surface in order to investigate its performance using a fiber optical SPR sensor.  Using this SPR fiber sensor measurement of the lead concentrations in water ranging from 0.1 to 10 part per million (ppm) is reported.

Esmat Jafari, Mohammad Ali Mansouri-Birjandi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 12, No 2, Summer-Fall 2018)

In this paper, a new structure is provided for the dispersion compensating photonic crystal fibers in order to broaden the chromatic dispersion and increase the dispersion compensating capability in a wide wavelength range. In the structure, putting elliptical holes in the first ring of the inner core clad of a dispersion compensating fiber of the hexagonal lattice, increases the wavelength range of the dispersion compensation, and causes this fiber to have the capability of dispersion compensation in the whole E to U telecommunication bands. In this fiber, the minimal dispersion will be -1006 ps/( at the 1.68 μm wavelength and at the 1.55 μm wavelength the dispersion coefficient will be -710 ps/( The simulations are all done using the finite difference time domain numerical method.

Marjan Jafari, Fatemeh Moradi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 12, No 2, Summer-Fall 2018)

A bi-isotropic magneto-electric metamaterials is modeled by two independent reservoirs. The reservoirs contain a continuum of three dimensional harmonic oscillators, which describe polarizability and magnetizability of the medium. The paper aimed to investigate the effect of electromagnetic field on bi-isotropic. Starting with a total Lagrangian and using Euler-Lagrange equation, researcher could obtain a quantum Langevin type dissipative equation for electromagnetic field. Generating functional of the system is obtained by the path integral method and based on the perturbative approach. By generating functional, a series expansion in terms of susceptibility function of the bi-isotropic metamaterials is obtained for correlation function or two-point Green’s function. In special case, the close relationship between statistical mechanics and quantum field theory,which was reflected in the path integral methods, could obtain free energy of electromagnetic field for isotropic metamaterial using two-point Green’s function. As an example, the Casimir force of two polarizable metamaterial spheres by Lorentz susceptibilities was studied. Furthermore, Casimir force of two polarizable-magnetizable metamaterials was calculated.

Marjan Jafari, Mahoor Mahdavi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (Winter-Spring 2020)

 This paper aims to evaluate the time-dependent Casimir-Polder force of a moving chiral molecule and a magnetodielectric chiral body at finite temperature. The chiral body can be an ensemble of molecules in a biological environment. The temporal evolution of the Casimir-Polder force is considered. The dynamical Casimir-Polder is arising from the movement of the chiral molecule and self-dressing effect is calculated and specific dependence of the force on the velocity, distance and material properties are found. To give an example, the Casimir force of a dimethyl disulfide, which moves above a perfect mirror with positive chirality, is studied. It was observed that the self-dressing part of the Casimir-Polder force was larger than the velocity-dependent part.
Fatemeh Jafari Nodoushan, Abbas Behjat, Naeimeh Torabi, Mehrad Ahmadpour, Bhushan Ramesh Patil, Vida Turkovic, Morten Madsen,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (Winter-Spring 2020)

Owing amongst other to its high electron mobility, fullerene C70, has been widely used as an electron transporting layer in organic solar cells. In this research, we report the use of C70 thin films as electron transport layers of planar perovskite solar cells (PSCs) using a conventional device structure. The thickness of the C70 layer has been optimized to achieve the best efficiency of 12%. It is demonstrated that ultra-thin C70 films can effectively block holes and thus become selective to the transport of electrons in PSC devices.
Mrs Maliheh Sadat Arabjafari, Dr Hossein Zahed, Mrs Elham Emadi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (Winter-Spring 2021)

Propagation of ion acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) in electronegative plasma containing positive and negative ions, trapped and non-thermal electrons are investigated. Using the Sagdeev pseudopotential method and investigation of the energy integral, the existence of propagation regions for these waves is analyzed. It is shown that the Mach number, positive and negative ions densities ratio and the trapping parameter can lead to change the pseudopotential amplitude and also it is shown that the lower limit of the Mach number increases with the density and mass ratios of positive and negative ions, but the upper limit of the Mach number does not depend on the densities ratio. The results show that for this kind plasma, there is only compressive IASW. This research will be helpful in understanding of physical phenomena concerned in plasmas in which the effects of trapped electrons control the dynamics of wave.
Dr Marjan Jafari,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (Winter-Spring 2021)

In this work, we investigate a time-dependent dissipative scalar field. Inspired by the Bateman lagrangian, we showed a procedure for quantizatizing the massive scalar field with the time-dependent dissipative term. So, the properties of a quantum dissipative scalar field are analyzed by the Caldirola-Kanai model. Also, we construct the Hilbert space for the system and calculate the wave eigen-functions and probability distribution of the system.
Bita Azemoodeh Afshar, Akbar Jafari, Rahim Naderali, Mir Maqsood Golzan,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (Summer-Fall 2022)

In this study, we investigated the production of silver nanoparticles by pulsed Nd: YAG laser ablation with λ=532nm in distilled water. The sodium citrate used to control the size of nanoparticles (Nps). The sample containing Ag NPs was characterized by linear absorption spectroscopy (UV-Visible spectroscopy) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM observation). The behavior of nonlinear optical properties of silver nanoparticles was studied using the Z-Scan method at two optimum numbers of the laser pulses and four optimum laser energy densities. In the Z-Scan method, the nonlinear thermal properties of Ag NPs were investigated under exposure to nanosecond laser pulse at λ=532nm. They were gained by fitting theoretical and experimental data. The values of the nonlinear refractive index (n2) and the nonlinear absorption coefficient (β ) were compared concerning to two optimum numbers and four optimum energy densities. The results of the nonlinear refractive index showed a negative value for each sample, this means that samples act as a divergent lens, and the thermal self-defocusing effect can be the main factor of nonlinear behavior. Following the comparison of two quantities, n2 and β , we found that the nonlinear refractive index increased when the number of laser pulses light increased. In addition, the nonlinear absorption coefficient decreased when the number of laser pulses light increased. As a result, the application of these Ag NPs for optical switching devices was investigated, which demonstrated that the large Ag NPs are applicable tools for optical switching devices.

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