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Showing 3 results for Esmaeili

H. Aminpour, A. Hojabri, M. Esmaeili, I. Mashaiekhy Asl2,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 5, No 1, Winter-Spring 2011)

In this article, we present a specific shape of disk laser which is side-pumped by four non-symmetric hollow- ducts. The use of non-symmetric hollow duct based on two goals of the uniformity of the pump light distribution profile and the homogeneity of pump light profile through the disk. First of all we simulated the pump light distribution in the disk by using Monte-Carlo ray tracing method. Then, by using finite element analysis (FEA) method, we calculated the absorbed pump light distribution through the disk for 12%, 14% and 20% concentration of Yb+3 ions. Finally, the results of calculation have been presented.
Dr Saifollah Rasouli, Shamsedin Esmaeili, Dr Farhab Sobouti,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 10, No 1, Winter-Spring 2016)

We have built a vertical seismometer that works based on the moiré technique. One grating is attached to the suspended mass and one to the frame of the instrument. The two gratings are in relative motion, and the resulting moiré pattern magnifies this motion. The intensity of a light beam passing through the moving moiré fringes changes with time, and a light detecting system converts this power fluctuation into a voltage signal. From this voltage signal the time series of ground motion is obtained. We investigated the performance of the instrument theoretically, as well as experimentally. Our instrument can measure the amplitude of oscillation through moiré magnification. It is free from EM environmental noise, has adjustable sensitivity and dynamic range, and has simple and straightforward design. Furthermore, we introduce a novel way of data acquisition from moving moiré patterns.

Sepideh Esmaeili Germezgholi, Behrooz Rezaei, Sohrab Ahmadi-Kandjani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (Summer-Fall 2020)

In this paper, a thin film silicon solar cell with anti-reflection coatings on front surface and the combination of periodic grating and photonic crystal on its back surface has been considered. The thickness and number of anti-reflection coatings, as well as the geometric and physical parameters of photonic crystal and grating are optimized to increase the optical absorption of solar cell. The simulations have been performed using the finite difference time domain method with Lumercial software. The results show that the optical absorption of solar cell has been increased significantly by utilizing the anti-reflection coatings, photonic crystal and grating.

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