Fatemeh Aghili, Saeed Batebi, Forouq Hosseinzadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol 13, No 2, Summer-Fall 2019)
We solved one dimensional Schrodinger equation in a H2+ molecular environment by using 3 femtosecond homogeneous and nonhomogeneous laser fields. In homogeneous case, we found out that larger inter nuclear distances result in earlier ionization and also more instability in the wave packet. We deducted that the more the instability is, the more modulated the power spectrum will be. So, by choosing a fixed 1.96 atomic units inter nuclear distance, we investigated high harmonic generation in both linear and nonlinear nonhomogeneous laser pulses. We observed that in comparison with the linear case, in nonlinear one, the plateau possessed higher intensity harmonics. On the other hand, in this case, cutoff order occurred on higher frequency. By superposing several harmonics near cutoff region, we predicted the generation of a 73 attosecond pulse.