A. Gharavi, H. Karimi-Alavijeh, E. Sarailou, M.–a. Baghban, G.–m. Parsanasab,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2-2008)
In this paper, we have reported the fabrication of two-dimensional photonic crystals, using a direct writing method in azo polymers. Periodic structures have been fabricated using the interference patterns of two coherent laser beams. The frequency response of the initial one-dimensional structure shows an attenuation of 19.3dB at 1554nm. The twodimensional structure shows 8.3dB and 11.3dB of attenuation at 1554nm in two perpendicular main axes of the structure. The diffraction pattern shows the characteristic rectangular pattern.
S. Ghavami Sabouri, A. Khorsandi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2-2008)
In this paper the Phase-Matching bandwidth, effective nonlinear coefficient and the walk-off angle within the effective bandwidth of the LiGa(SexS1-x)2 biaxial nonlinear crystals are calculated using the Genetic algorithm (GA). This calculation is held for all tree principle XY, YZ and XZ planes individually. The results are shown the accuracy of the applied algorithm is quite qualified.
Ian Leung, Gang-Ding Peng,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2-2008)
The composite cavity fiber laser (CCFL) is relatively simple in its fabrication, as it is essentially three wavelength matched Bragg gratings in a section of doped fiber. By using internal feedback with unequal sub-cavity lengths, unidirectional CCFLs with significantly asymmetric output power from its two outputs can be achieved. Preliminary results also show that it is possible for the lasing frequency of the two outputs to be different by a few GHz.
H. Nadgaran, M. Sabaeian,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2-2008)
In this work the effects of heat generation on the modes of Yb:Glass double clad fiber laser were investigated. The thermal dispersion and thermally-induced birefringence were considered when the gain medium becomes an anisotropic medium. The results showed considerable modifications of laser modes profiles, in particular for transfer magnetic (TM) and transfer electric (TE) modes which their polarization vectors possess radial and azimuthal components.
K. Moravvej-Farshi, E. Darabi, V. Ahmadi, K. Abedi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2-2008)
Larger width of P-cladding layer in p-i-n waveguide of traveling wave electroabsorption modulator (TWEAM) results in lower resistance and microwave propagation loss which provides an enhanced high speed electro-optical response. In this paper, a fullvectorial finite-difference-based optical mode solver is presented to analyze mushroom-type TWEAM for the first time. In this analysis, the discontinuities of the normal components of the electric field across abrupt dielectric interfaces which are known as the limitations of scalar and semivectorial approximation methods are considered. The optical field distributions in mushroom-type TWEAM and conventional ridge-type TWEAM of the same active region for 1.55 μm operation are presented.
The important parameters in the high-frequency TWEAM design such as optical effective index which defines optical velocity and transverse mode confinement factor are calculated. The modulation response of mushroom-type TWEAM is calculated by considering interaction of microwave and optical fields in waveguide and compared to that of conventional ridge-type TWEAM. The calculated 3dB bandwidths for ridge-type and mushroom-type TWEAM are about 139 GHz and 166 GHz for 200 μm and 114 GHz and 126 GHz for 300 μm waveguide length, respectively.
A. S. Arabanian, A. Manteghi, F. Fereidouni, R. Massudi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2-2008)
Time resolved laser induced incandescence (LII) technique is used to measure size distribution of soot nanoparticles of candle's flame. Pulsed Nd:YAG laser is used to heat nanoparticles to incandescence temperature and the resulting signal is measured. Mass and energy balance equations are numerically solved to calculate temperature of soot particles in low fluence regime. Assuming Plank black body radiation and lognormal size distribution for soot particles, the intensity of LII signals are calculated. Using Levenberg-Marquart nonlinear regression algorithm and numerical and experimental LII signals, mean particle size and distribution width of soot nanoparticles are obtained.
Y.-T. Lin, L.-Y Chen, Chung-Chih Wu, K.-T. Wong, R.-T. Chen, Y.-Y. Chien,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2-2008)
In this article, we report the studies of various device architectures of organic lightemitting devices (OLEDs) incorporating highly efficient blue-emitting and ambipolar carriertransport ter(9,9-diarylfluorene)s, and their influences on device characteristics. The device structures investigated include single-layer devices and multilayer heterostructure devices employing the terfluorene as one functional layer. It is found that, although these terfluorenes are capable of bipolar carrier transport, rather poor device performance of single-layer devices in comparison with multilayer devices indicates that the heterostructure is still essential for balancing hole/electron injection and currents, for achieving high emission efficiencies, and for full utilization of high luminescence efficiency of these terfluorenes. With the heterostructure of hole-transport layer/terfluorene/electrontransport layer and careful choice of carriertransport materials, effective hole and electron injection, confinement of carriers, and confinement of excitons in terfluorenes are achieved. As a consequence, a highly efficient (4.1% quantum efficiency), low-voltage (~2.5 V turn-on voltage), and color-saturated nondoped blue-emitting device is demonstrated. Such high electroluminescent efficiency is consistent with high photoluminescent quantum yields of these terfluorenes and is competitive with those of efficient doped blue OLEDs.
J. Mostafavi-Amjad, H. R. M Khalesifard,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2-2008)
Micro-channels are made over the Ag+/Na+ ion-exchanged soda-lime glass surface by interaction of an intense Ar+ laser beam and the silver ions inside the glass matrix. The Ar+ laser beam reduces the Ag+ ions inside the matrix. The Ag+ atoms aggregate into silver nano-clusters around the interaction area, inside the glass matrix. Aggregation of the silver atoms and the thermal effects of the interaction, changes the geometrical profile of the glass surface. This phenomenon has been used to produce micro-sized channels over the glass surface. During the interaction the glass has moved under the focused laser beam in two dimensions by resolution of 300 nm via a computer controlled xyz sub-micro-positioner to produce the channel walls. Using this technique, micro-channels of 0.3 μm deep and arbitrary width have been made. The height of the produced wall has been determined by interferometry techniques.
Dr. Roghaieh Parvizi,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (10-2012)
we investigate the temperature-dependences of the Brillouin frequency shift in three different kind of single-mode fibers using a heterodyne method for sensing temperature. Positive dependences coefficients of 0.77, 0.56 and 1.45MHz/0C are demonstrated for 25 km long single-mode fiber, 10 km long non-zero dispersion shifted fiber and 100 m photonic crystal fiber, respectively. The results indicate that microstructure fibers with a partially Ge-doped small core have great potential for fiber Brillouin distributed sensing.
Alireza Khorsandi, Maryam Maleki,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (6-2013)
In this research, tunability of a commercial diode laser has extended to about more than ± 11 nm using a V-shaped external-cavity fabricated around the laser. Although under normal condition it can be tuned up to about ± 4 nm just by changing its temperature and injection current. Such modified diode laser has then used in a difference-frequency generation (DFG) experimental setup as pump source in order to continuous tuning of the generated DFG spectrum up to about ± 100 nm from 4.76 m to 4.85 m in the mid-infrared region. An AgGaS2 crystal is used as nonlinear medium.
Rasoul Roknizadeh, Malek Bagheri Harouni,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (6-2013)
We consider the interaction of quantum light with an ideal semiconductor microcavity. We investigate photon statistics in different conditions and the presence of detuning and exciton-exciton interaction. We show that in the resonant interaction and absence of the exciton-exciton interaction, the state of the whole system can be considered as coherent state. According to our results, it turns out that photon statistics strongly depends on the initial state of the system. It is found that it is possible to generate squeezed light in the presence of the exciton-exciton interaction.
Miss Elnaz Aleebrahim, Mr Fardin Kheirandish,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (6-2013)
In this paper, we clarify the applicability of the super operator technique for describing the dissipative quantum dynamics of a system consists of two qubits coupled with a thermal bath at finite temperature. By using super operator technique, we solve the master equation and find the matrix elements of the density operator.
Considering the qubits to be initially prepared in a general mixed state, we explore the influence of dissipation on dynamical behavior of system. As expected, we obtain analytical evidence that the thermal photons and spontaneous emission of atoms are responsible for dissipation of entanglement of system.
Dr Roghaieh Parvizi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (6-2013)
We have investigated and developed a theoretical approach to explore stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) phenomena in single mode fiber. SBS happening threshold power condition has been studied in terms of fiber parameters and input pump power. To assess threshold power precisely, the pump depletion effect and fiber loss has been included by employing 1% criterion. The threshold exponential gain Gth can be anticipated by this simulation which strongly depends on the fiber length Brillouin gain content and effective area. The value of Gth is not a constant as usually assumed in the literature and its value is 4 for the longer lengths and between 10 and 18 is for relatively shorter lengths. This simulation can anticipate the optimum length of fiber against the every launched pump power to generate SBS effect.
Dr. Faegheh Hajizadeh, Dr. S.nader S. Reihani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (6-2013)
Thanks to their unique optical and electromagnetic properties, noble-metal nanoparticles are proven very useful in many scientific fields, from nanotechnology to biology, including detection of cancer cells. Irradiated gold nanoparticles, as a nano-smolder could be widely used in biomedical contexts such as tumor therapy. Laser destruction of a cancerous tissue depends on thermal and physical properties of the tissue, therefore temperature quantification of an irradiated metallic nanoparticle in different materials could be followed by interesting applications. In this research we quantify the temperature of irradiated gold nanoparticles in paraffin which is the most commonly used material for embedding of biological tissues in pathology. We have shown that the temperature increase rate for irradiated gold nanoparticles with diameters of 78 nm, 97 nm, and 149 nm are 1.31, 1.40, and 2.28 ◦C/mW, respectively. Considering that the conductivity of a biological tissue is an important parameter on temperature raise and destruction, these results could yield a valuable insight into the cancer therapy.
Mr. Moslem Alidoosty Shahraki1, Dr. Sina Khorasani,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (8-2013)
In this paper Kolomogorov entropy of a simulated cavity quantum electrodynamics in a multi-partite system consisting of eight quantum dots in interaction with one cavity mode has been estimated. It has been shown that the Kolmogorov Entropy monotonically increases with the increasing coupling strength, which is a sufficient condition for chaotic behavior under ultrastrong coupling regime. The arrangement of the quantum dots is assumed to be in the form of a linear chain where dipole-dipole interactions are considered only between the nearest neighbors.
Dr. Mohsen Hatami, Ms. Elham Yousefi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (8-2013)
In this study, a new numerical method is introduced to obtain the exact shape of output pulse in the chalcogenide fiber Bragg grating (FBG). A Gaussian pulse shape with 173 ps width is used as an input pulse for lunching to a 6.6 mm nonlinear FBG. Because of bistable and hysteresis nature of nonlinear FBG the time sequence of each portion of pulse is affected the shape of output pulse. So we divide the pulse to leading and trailing portion in time. By using bistability curve and Fourier transformation, the exact shape of output pulse is simulated. In comparison of non-unique solution for output pulse in the previous papers, the results of this study have an optional merit.
Mr. Amir Khodamohammadi, Mr. Ahmad Khayatjafary, Dr. Reza Aghbolaghi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (8-2013)
In the present work, we investigate the tunability of the magnetic response of a new structure. A lattice of periodically arranged close-packed square conducting rings has been studied for this purpose. Here, instead of enhancing the magnetic activity via resonance, like in split-ring resonators, we concentrate on the analysis of the interactions between these rings. The core idea is to design an array with negligible capacity and to focus on inductive interactions between its building cells. In other words, in this structure, the enhancement of the microscopic process has been attained by the interaction of its building block, i.e. a collective feature has been considered. It is our goal to obtain a sizable magnetic response with this new approach. Our ultimate goal is to demonstrate that the relative magnetic permeability of this architecture could be less than one or even less than zero.
Ms. Samaneh Birzhandi, Ms. Malihe Ranjbaran, Dr. Seyed Mohammad Hosein Khalkhali, Dr. Seyedeh Mehri Hamidi, Prof. Mohammad Mehdi Tehranchi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (8-2013)
Recently atomic magnetometers are one of the best tools in biomagnetic measurement such as magnetic field of brain and heart. In this paper, the technology of optically pumped atomic magnetometer based on circularly polarized light absorption pumping is described. We have been investigated a new method for measuring polarization effect in an alkali vapor based on polarized light transmission. In addition several magnetometers’ response factors such as cell temperature, laser’s intensity are introduced and reviewed. Our results show that the difference between absorption of circular and linear light not only depends on polarization, but also in number of polarized atoms.
Ms. Eng. Fatemeh Davoodi, Dr. Nosrat Granpayeh,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2014)
We have proposed a new ultra-compact optical demultiplexer based on metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguides aperture-coupled to the ring resonators. Our proposed device has high performance, small footprint, and high potential for integration and development to more channels.
Mohammadhossein Naderi, Somayeh Salimian Rizi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2014)
In this paper, we propose a theoretical scheme for the generation of non-classical states of the cavity field in a system of a single trapped atom via controlling the Lamb-Dicke parameter. By exploiting the super-operator method, we obtain an analytical expression for the density operator of the system by which we examine the dynamical behaviors of the atomic population inversion, the phase-space Husimi Q-function as well as the von Neumann quantum entropy of the cavity-field. The results reveal that at certain periods of time one of the cavity-field quadratures may be squeezed and the two sub-systems of the trapped atom and the cavity field are entangled. Moreover, we find that the atomic spontaneous emission and the cavity-field damping destroy the nonclassical characteristics of the cavity field.