Clear images and colors | Post date: 2020/12/9 | |
First-time users: Please click on the above "Registration Form," fill out the form by entering all required information. Upon successful registration, you will receive an e‑mail.
NOTE: If you received an e-mail including an assigned username and password, DO NOT REGISTER AGAIN. Simply use that information to log in.
Second-time users (Authors/ Reviewers): At the top right of the page, you’re your username and password, then click on the "Login" button. In the menu, select your responsibility
To change your password: Once you are registered, you may change your password at any time. Simply log in to the system and follow the instruction to change your password.
For the accepted papers, submitted after October 1, 2023, payment of Article Processing Charge of 10,000,000 Rials is compulsory.
- Payment card number: 5859837000097796 Tejart Bank
- Account holder: Optics and photonics society of Iran
- Please send the receipt to: info