| Post date: 2021/08/10 |
Information for Authors
International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) is an open access journal, published online semiannually with the purpose of publication of original and significant contributions relating to photonic-lightwave components and applications, laser physics and systems, and laser-electro-optic technology. Submission of a manuscript amounts to assurance that it has not been copyrighted, published, accepted for publication elsewhere, and that it will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration.
Article Processing Charge
International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) welcomes original articles' submissions. For the accepted papers, submitted after October 1, 2023, an article processing charge of 10,000,000 Rials have to be paid before issuing the final acceptance letter.
Preparation of Manuscript
The electronic file of the manuscript must be submitted, complete with all illustrations. The manuscript must be in double column format using IJOP_Paper_Template. If you have submitted an article before, please use your username and password to login to the journal submission division, otherwise, please create an account and then follow the instructions given on the screen. Please upload manuscripts through the Website of the Journal (http://ijop.ir/). Authors should include mailing addresses, telephones, and e-mail addresses of all authors of the manuscript.
The manuscript styles: For each part of the manuscript, a special style is defined. The authors are urged to follow the recommendations to organize their paper.
Abstract: The manuscript must include an abstract. The abstract should cover four points: statement of problem, assumptions, and methods of solutions, results and conclusion of the importance of the results.
Keywords are mandatory and must be 4-10 keywords and phrases, separated by “,” or “;” which describe the major points or topics covered in the article.
Numbering: All references, pages, figures, equations, and tables should be numbered in single series.
Tables and figures should be placed at nearest place to their first mention in the text. All tables and figures must be referred to in the manuscript.
The manuscript title, full name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), and e-mail address of the corresponding author are required.
Figures' captions should be sufficiently clear, so that the figures can be understood without referring to the main text. Do not include captions on the figures.
Footnotes should be numbered consecutively starting from 1 at each page. If the manuscript has many footnotes, use two column format for it.
Color Figures can be used in the electronic edition of the journal. In the figures with several curves, each curve line must have different color and also different line styles such as solid, dashed, dotted, dashed-dotted, line with signs, etc to be recognized in black and white print. The maximum width of the figures to be inserted in one of two column manuscript or cover both columns should be less than 7.8 cm and 16.8 cm, respectively. The fonts of the labels and insets of the figures must be the same as the figure caption fonts. All parts of each figure must be saved in one jpg, png, or tiff formats. The file of scanned figure must have 300 ppi resolution. Axes of graphs should have self-explanatory labels, not just symbols with appropriate unit (e.g., “Electric Field (V/m)” rather than “E (V/m)”).
Software: The analyzing methods used in the work must be stated precisely. Any used software must be obtainable either commercially or upon request of the editor or reviewers. The reviewers may request any information necessary for reproducing the authors methodologies
Mathematical Equations: The journal recommend Math-Type for typing equations. The equations should be clearly prepared. All parentheses, “(, )”, brackets, “[, ], {, }”, should be chosen from the equation editor, which their sizes will be changed by their argument. All equations must be numbered sequentially, on the right-hand side of the column of the equation line, in parenthetic Arabic numerals. All equation parameters must be precisely defined in the paragraph after it. All parameters outside the equation must have exactly the same style (Bold, Italic, Regular) as those inside equation.
Abbreviations, Symbols, Units, etc.: Acronyms and symbols must be defined when appear for the first time in the article body as well as in abstract and conclusion independent of the article text. For nomenclature, abbreviations, symbols, and units, authors should follow the internationally accepted rules, including those adopted by the IEEE.
- References require a complete author list, including abbreviations of the author names and their complete family without using "et al." even for 100 authors, complete title in double quotation for papers, volume of the journal, first and last pages of the paper, and year of the publication. All references should be archived materials such as journal articles, books, and conference proceedings. Web pages should not be referenced, since their content and accessibility may change over time. Citation of different types of references are explained in the IJOP_Paper_Template
Copyright: Submission of a manuscript implies:
that the work has not been published elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract, part of a published lecture, review, or thesis,
that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere while is under review by IJOP,
that its submission and probable publication has been approved by all co-authors (if any), as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out,
that, when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to sign and submit the “IJOP copyright transfer form” to transfer the copyright to the IJOP,
that written permissions of the copyright holders are obtained by the authors for the materials used from other copyrighted sources. Any costs associated with this permission should be paid by the authors,
- that the manuscript should not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of the copyright holders, IJOP.
To get information on joining the Optics and Photonics Society of Iran (OPSI) and submitting papers, please visit http://ijop.ir/, or http://opsi.ir/. For further information, please contact the OPSI or IJOP secretarial offices via info[
]opsi.ir or info[
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