Volume 16, Issue 2 (Summer-Fall 2022)                   IJOP 2022, 16(2): 139-144 | Back to browse issues page

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Ameri Z, Jahangiri F. Comparison on the Scattering Path Loss of Terahertz Waves in Fat Layer Under Air-Enclosed and Tissue-Enclosed Conditions. IJOP 2022; 16 (2) :139-144
URL: http://ijop.ir/article-1-516-en.html
1- Laser and Plasma Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, Evin, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1968 Views)
Using terahertz waves for intra-body communications between nanomachines is associated with dissipation during propagation, of which scattering is one of the most important effects. In this paper, scattering path loss with two different assumptions of air-enclosed and tissue-enclosed in subcutaneous fat is calculated and compared. The results show that for TM polarization, air-enclosed assumption gives smaller and greater scattering loss for frequencies less and bigger than 0.26 THz. The greatest difference between air-enclosed and tissue-enclosed results is observed for TE polarization at the approximate frequency of 0.4 THz.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Medical Optics, Optical Microscope, Biophotonics
Received: 2022/10/27 | Revised: 2023/06/20 | Accepted: 2023/02/4 | Published: 2023/06/19

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