International Journal of Optics and Photonics- Submission Instruction
Information For Authors

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Information for Authors:
International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) is published semiannually with the purpose of publication of original and significant contributions relating to optical and photonic material, components, devices, phenomena, and applications, optical communications, optical fibers, laser physics, systems, and technology.

Manuscripts: The electronic file of the manuscript must be submitted, complete with all illustrations. The manuscript must be in double column format using IJOP_Paper_Template. Number all references, pages, figures, equations, and tables in single series.
Please upload manuscripts through the Website of the Journal ( Full mailing address, telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses are required.

Copyright: Submission of a manuscript amounts to assurance that it has not been copyrighted, published, accepted for publication or under review elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere while is under review by IJOP. Authors are required to sign an IJOP copyright transfer 
Agreement at the time of submission.

The paper styles: For any part of the paper, a special style is defined. The authors are urged to read this and follow the recommendations to organize their paper.

Abstract: The manuscript must include an abstract. The abstract should cover four points: statement of problem, assumptions, and methods of solutions, results and conclusion of the importance of the results.

Keywords are mandatory and must be 4-10 keywords and phrases, separated by "," or ";" which describe the major points or topics covered in the article.

Figures' captions should be sufficiently clear so that the figures can be understood without referring to the main text. Do not include captions on the figures themselves. Lettering and details should be large enough to be clear when the drawing is reduced to one-column width (<8 cm). Axes of graphs should have self-explanatory labels, not just symbols (e.g., Electric Field (V/m) rather than E) with appropriate unit. Figures must have jpg or TIFF Format.

References require a complete author list, including abbreviations of the author names and their complete family without using "et al." even for 100 authors, complete title in double quotation for papers, Vol. of the Journal, first and last pages of the paper, and year of the publication. All references should be archived materials such as journal articles, books, and conference proceedings. Web pages should not be referenced, since their content and accessibility may change over time.
Citation Style: The IEEE Reference style (example)

More information can be found in IJOP_Paper_Template. For the case of any query, please contact us by: info[]

Topic URL in International Journal of Optics and Photonics website:
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